Sunday, August 1, 2010

Recipe 10: Taiwanese Cold Noodle

What a way to stay cool in the day, this version of the cold noodle is quite different than the Japanese version. Please note that if you have allergies to peanuts, you'll need to watch out for this dish.

1/3 package of spaghetti noodles
1 tblsp of water
1 tblsp sesame dressing
1 tblsp peanut powder
a few pieces of garlic
1 tblsp soy sauce
1 tblsp vinegar
1/2 tblsp sugar
a little bit of sesame oil
a few slices of ham
1/3 cucumber
1/3 carrots
(Serves 2-3)

First, thinly slice some ham, cucumber, and carrots.

Then, boil the spaghetti noodles. When the noodles are done, drain and wash the noodles with cold water. (FYI we are using spaghetti noodles because they are firmer to eat than egg noodles and resemble more of the Taiwanese noodle used in this dish)

If you want colder noodles, add some ice with cold water and soak the noodles in it. Then, drain the noodles from this water.

Second, mix your sauce ingredients in a separate bowl. Also, grate your garlic pieces into the sauce. Your sauce should have more of a slightly sour taste to it.

Next, in another bowl, line up your noodles, ham, carrots, and cucumber.
Finally, pour the sauce in the middle of the noodles or let your guest do it themselves.

慢慢吃 ("eat slowly"),
Auntie Jane