Monday, July 19, 2010

Hafa Adai! Good Morning from Guam!

Hi All,

If you know my mom, you know that she loves cooking and talking about food. She's not professionally trained and her food is quite simple, but wow does it taste good! Most people love their moms' cooking and are biased in saying "my mom's food is the best" and for me, I do say that too. But, when my friends say that about my mom's food, you know it's really good.

The Cooking Adventure:
I'm not like my mom in the aspect of cooking. I'd rather someone else cook or I like to go out to eat. I don't have the patience for cooking like she does. However, I'm moving soon to a place where I'll have to cook. So, I'm here on Guam for around 3 weeks, to spend time with her and to learn to make her food the way she makes it: simple and easy.

To help me remember, I thought I would start this blog and share it with my friends.



1 comment:

  1. Jen, this is a most wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing!
