Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Recipe 9: Honey "Walnut" Shrimp (but hold the walnuts)

I think this must be one of the most popular seafood dishes at a Chinese restaurant. It's so popular that Panda Express has their own. Instead of eating theirs, why not try to make your own.

3 tblsp of oil
a little salt
a little corn starch
12-15 shrimps peeled
4 tblsp of mayo
2 tblsp of condensed milk
(Serves 2-3)

First, have the raw shrimp lightly coated with salt and corn starch. Then, heat up the oil and prep the shrimp to cook. (FYI to make the shrimp prettier you can slice the tail end in the middle).

Second, cook the shrimp until it turns a nice pink color. Drain the oil from the shrimp in a colander.

Next, mix the mayo and condensed milk in a separate bowl.

Finally, when you are ready serve, mix the shrimp with the mayo/milk mixture.

慢慢吃 ("eat slowly"),
Auntie Jane

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