Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Recipe 7: Crispy Fried Noodle w/ Beef

This is one of my Dad's favorite dishes that my mom makes for him.

1 package of egg yellow noodle
1 bundle of green onion
1/2 red bell pepper
8-10 mushrooms
1/2 lb. of flank steak
1 tblsp soysauce
a little sugar
a little vinegar
a little cornstarch
(Serves 2)

First, boil the noodles. While the noodles are boiling, cut your veggies into quarter slices. Take out your noodles and set them aside. Then, slice your beef. Heat up your pan to cook these slices of beef.

Following that, heat another pan to pan fry the noodles that you just boiled. When you pan fry these noodles, make sure you fry them until they are crispy on both sides.

For the sauce:

First, cook your veggies and add your soy sauce, sugar, and vinegar.

Second, add your beef to the veggies. Mix some cornstarch with water to make the sauce thicker.

Finally, place the beef and veggies on the sauce on the noodles when you are ready to serve. (If you put it to early, it will make the noodles soggy).

慢慢吃 ("eat slowly"),
Auntie Jane

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