Friday, July 23, 2010

Recipe 4: Sweet Chili Garlic Shrimp

Jen: "I love shrimp. My mom knows that, so she decided to save me some big shrimp that she bought on sale. Take a look at the size of these shrimp! I have a wonderful mom!"

1 teaspoonful of oil
4-5 shell on shrimp
1 tblsp sweet chili sauce
1/2 tblsp ketchup
1/2 tblsp soysauce
a little garlic
1 tblsp green bell pepper
1 tblsp yellow onion

First, dice the vegetables. Clean the shrimp by cutting the legs (cooking the shrimp with the shell on helps the shrimp meat to be more moist and flavorful).

Then, mix the sauces in a separate bowl.

Second, add oil to a hot pan and start cooking the shrimp until partially pinkish color.

Finally, add the vegetables and sauce and stir fry until the shrimp is completely done.

If you haven't seen sweet chili sauce, here's a pic of the one we used (the sauce is also great on eggrolls!)

慢慢吃 ("eat slowly"),
Auntie Jane

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