Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Recipe 2: Basic Fish Fry

Jen: "I must admit, I don't really cook or eat fish too much especially if the fish has bones. I'm scared of it because of the traumatizing childhood experience of getting a small fish bone stuck in my throat. But, my mom says with the right fish (fresh and with a few bones), this is a delicious dish."

3-4 small whole fish (cleaned if it's freshly caught)
1 teaspoonful of oil
a little bit of flour
a few pieces of garlic
a little soy sauce

First, lightly coat the fish with flour. This helps to prevent the oil from splattering when you put the fish on the pan. Also, chop up the garlic.

Second, add oil into hot pan on high heat and place the fish onto the pan.

Then, turn the heat to low and wait until the fish turns a golden, crispy brown color, then flip. Repeat on the other side.
Finally, add some soy sauce and the chopped garlic.

It's ready to eat and it takes a matter of minutes.

慢慢吃 ("eat slowly"),
Auntie Jane

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