Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Recipe 3: Egg Tomato

This is a standard Chinese dish. Actually, this dish is found in other cultures too usually with it being a little more savory than the Chinese version.

2 teaspoon spoonfuls of oil
2 eggs
1 slice of bacon
2 tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon of sugar
1/3 teaspoon of salt
a little black pepper
a little *chicken powder

(*if you want to add it)

First, crack the two egg and scramble them. Next, dice the tomatoes and cut the bacon into pieces.

Second, add oil to a hot pan. Cook the eggs in the pan, with it being half cooked (so a little runny). Take out the eggs and place it aside.

Next, add a little more oil to the hot pan and add the bacon. Cook the bacon for 30 seconds, then add the tomatoes, salt, sugar, black pepper, and chicken powder. Cook these for around a minute.

Finally, add the previously half cooked eggs and cook it until the eggs are ready. You can add some chopped green onions as a garnish.

慢慢吃 ("eat slowly"),
Auntie Jane

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